Discrete Mathematics

                        Prof : Sang-Gu LEE  (http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/sglee/ )


SKKU Math Lectures and Labs

DM Ch. 4, Algorithms

Lecture Note     http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/Ch-4/

DM-Ch-4-Lab   http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Ch-4-Lab.html 
DM Ch. 4,
동영상강의   https://youtu.be/Dtv-9ykjFFA 


DM Ch. 5, Introduction to Number Theory

Lecture Note     http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/Ch-5/  

DM-Ch-5-Lab   http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Ch-5-Lab.html 
DM Ch. 5,

5-1  Divisors    https://youtu.be/NN46r0qlIW0
5-2  Repr of Integers and Integer Alg
5-3  The Euclidean Algorithm  

   Review (Ch 1-5) 

   PBL 학생 발표 (Ch 1-5 Solutionshttps://youtu.be/HuzLCXDD2AA

Midterm Exam Solutions : https://youtu.be/iAfQCycd6ac


http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Labs.htm  Discrete Math Labs (실습실)

http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-album/2018-Lectures-sglee.htm  (강의실)

http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM-QnA/                  (질문과 답변)

http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM-PBL/      (PBL report 보고서)
 (PBL report Eng, 영문 보고서)


SKKU DM, Ch 4 & 5,

Prob. and Solutions^ by Team 3



Team 3

(칭기즈, 유가이 올렉산드르, 김승연, 권재연, 이상민)

Solution, revision and finalization in chapter 4 and 5

Collected: 유가이 올렉산드르, 칭기즈

                         Typed: 유가이 올렉산드르, 김승연, 칭기즈

                         Comments: 김승연, 칭기즈

Involved in problem-solving: 유가이 올렉산드르, 권재연, 칭기즈


Chapter 4


[Final OK by TA] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 1 (Chapter Self-Test) , solved by 권재용, revised by 칭기즈, finalized by 전종문 and 김승연



Trace Algorithm 1.1 for the values a = 12, b = 3, c = 0.



Algorithm 1.1


This algorithm finds the largest of the numbers a, b, and c.


Input: a, b, c

Output: large (the largest of a, b, c)

1. Max3 (a, b, c){

2. large  =a

3. if(b>large)//if b is larger than large, update large

4. large = b

5. if(c>large)//if c is larger than large, update large

6. large = c

7. return large

8. }




1. max3 (a, b, c){ =12, b =3,=0 

2. large =a                           large =12​ 

3. if(b>large)   //if b is larger than large, update large        ​b =3 > large ​=12 is false, then jump to 5 

4. large b 

5. if(c>large)//if c is larger than large, update large        c =0 >large​ =12 is false, then jump to 7

6. large = c

7. return large                   ​ return large =12 

8. }                                      End​ ■





 Trace table:


 Line number

















































Sage code:


def _(a=input_box(default=1, label='a'),b=input_box(default=2, label='b'),c=input_box(default=3, label='c')):

    large = a

    if b > large:

        large = b

    if c > large:

        large = c

    print "maximum number is  ", large



Comment: 여러 개의 parameter들 중에서 하나를 처음 지정한 후 다른 것들과 하나씩 비교하면서 큰 것으로 대체해 나가다가 비교할 것이 없어지면 남은 최종 parametervalue가 출력 되는 알고리즘이다.

Comment: This problem may be difficult to understand but if you follow the trace table and the code provided simultaneously it will be quite easier to get the idea.

Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 3 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 전종문, revised by 칭기즈, finalized by 김영철 and 김승연



Write an algorithm that returns true if the values of a, b and c are distinct, and false otherwise.


If a, b and c are all distinct, returned value will be ‘True’.  Otherwise, returned value will be ‘False’.


Now, if all are distinct, we get ‘True’, and if not, we get ‘False’.     


 Comment: 조건 if 절에서 3개의 condition (a b 같다 b c 같다. 그리고 c a 같다.) 하나라도 충족될 거짓이고 그렇지 않을 때에만 이도록 하게 명령어이다. '==' logical equivalent 뜻하고 ‖’ logical or 을 뜻한다. 이로 인해 a, b, c 중 하나라도 다른 parameter와 같으면 거짓이 되도록 설정하였다.

Comment: This problem is quite simple which needs some basic knowledge of programming. The idea is to check if at least two of the numbers are equal using the logical operator or.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 5 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 모하메드, finalized by 칭기즈 and 김승연



Trace Algorithm 4.2.1 for the input t = “111011” and p = “110”.​ 




The Algorithm stated in section 4.2.1 is called Text Search and it is defined as following:


Text Search:

This algorithm searches for an occurrence of the pattern p in text t . It returns the smallest

index i such that p occurs in t starting at index i. If p does not occur in t, it returns 0.


Input: p (indexed from 1 to m), mt (indexed from 1 to n), n

Output: i (the index of first match occurrence)

Pseudo Code: 

text search( p, m, t, n) {

for (i = 1 to n m + 1)  //the starting point is 1, the ending point is (n-m+1)


 j = 1                      

                           // i is the index in t of the first character of the substring

                           // to compare with p, and j is the index in p

                          // the while loop compares ti · · · ti+m1 and p1 · · · pm

while (ti+j1 == pj )


       j = j + 1

if ( j > m)  //reaching the end of substring p

return i



return 0









t= "111011"



* Following the code and tracing the loop iterations we can find:


1) For-Loop's First Iteration / i=1:

 a) j is set to 1

 b) we execute the while-loop , and since t[1]==p[1], j is incremented to compare       t[2] and p[2] and since t[2]==p[2], j is incremented once again to compare         t[3] and p[3] and since t[3]!=p[3] , the while loop is broken and we move to the next for-loop iteration


2) For-Loop's Second Iteration / i=2:

  a) j is set to 1

  b) we execute the while-loop , and because i=2 we start with t[2], since             t[2]==p[1], j is incremented to compare t[3] and p[2] and since t[3]==p[2], j is   incremented once again to compare t[4] and p[3] and since t[4]==p[3] j is   incremented once again to become (j=4) which is greater than (m) , so i=2 is   returned.

t = "111011" n=6

p = "110 m=3


if ( j > m)  //reaching the end of substring p

return i

The algorithm terminates when j>m, m=3 => j=4

Trace table:

































The output is 2        



Comment: 문자열 ‘110 ‘ 을 추적하고  110 ‘이 발견된 경우 왼쪽부터 시작해서 최초의 ‘1 ‘ 이 발견된 자릿수를 결과값으로 내어 출력하는 알고리즘이다. 여기서 검사하는 방식은 ‘i’번째 항을 첫 번째로 ‘I’번째 항이 ‘1’ 인가 보고 일치하면 ‘i+1’번째 항도 ‘1’ 인가를 확인하고 ‘i+2’번째 항까지 ‘0’ 임이 맞는다면’ j’항 즉, n번째 검사임을 나타내는 factor가 ‘n=4’가 되게 된다면 검사를 중단하고 현재 ‘I’ 의 value를 출력하게 됩니다. 이것은 ‘110’ 이라는 찾고 싶은 문자열을 찾고 나서 그 찾은 위치를 출력하고 작동을 멈추는 전형적인 Text Search 알고리즘이고 이것을 응용하여 좀더 길거나 영어 및 다른 글자 기호의 조합도 찾아 낼 수 있을 것 입니다.


Comment: This problem may be difficult to understand but if you follow the trace table and the code provided simultaneously it will be quite easier to get the idea.


[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 6 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 칭기즈, finalized by 서명원and 김승연





Trace algorithm 2.3 for the input:    

44 64 77 15 3





Suppose that the input is the following sequence








Firstly, I=2,  j=I-1=1 ,val = s[2]=64

j>=1 and val< s[1]= 44 is false, so there is no change

Thus, s[j+1]=s[2]=val=64






Now, I=3, j=2, val=s[3]=77

j>=1 and val< s[2]= 64 is false, so there is no change

Thus, s[j+1]=s[3]=val=77 








Now, I=4, j=3, val=s[4]=15

j>=1 and val< s[3]= 77 is true ,

s[4]=s[3]= 77               j=j-1 = 2






j>=1 and val< s[2]= 64 is true

 s[3] =s[2]=64                 j=j-1 = 1






j>=1 and val< s[1]= 44 is true ,

 s[2]=s[1]=44                 j=j-1 = 0






j>=1 is false, skips the loop 







Now, I=5, j=4, val=s[5]=3

j>=1 and val< s[4]= 77 is true ,

 s[5] =s[4]=77                 j=j-1 = 3 






j>=1 and val< s[3]= 64 is true

s[4] =s[3]=64                  j=j-1 = 2






j>=1 and val< s[2]= 44 is true

s[3] =s[2]=44                 j=j-1 =1






j>=1 and val< s[1]= 15 is true

s[2] =s[1]=15                  j=j-1 = 0






j>=1 is false



















 is sorted.​​




​​ Comment: 이 문제를 다시 해석하고 정리하였을 때에 알고리즘의 기준은 숫자의 대/소 관계에 의거해 정렬을 하였는데 약간의 실생활 경험만 있다면 컴퓨터의 파일들의 정렬의 기준은 이름, 크기, 항목의 유형, 수정한 날짜, 그 이외에 많은 기준들이 존재함을 떠올릴 수 있다. 지금이야 10개도 되지 않는 숫자들의 정렬이니 별로 대단치는 않을 것이라고 생각할 수는 있지만 수천 내지 수만 혹은 그것을 넘어서는 단위의 어떤 집단들을 기준을 따라 정렬하는 것은 컴퓨터와 알고리즘의 도움을 받지 않을 수 없을 것이며 새삼 컴퓨터와 그를 비롯한 수학이 가져다 준 문명의 혜택에 감탄할 뿐이다.

Comment: This problem is very good example to understand how swapping works in programming. The key idea of swapping is to store the some value in a temporary variable, which is m in this case.






[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 7 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 칭기즈, finalized by 엄자균, re-finalized by 김영철 and 김승연



Trace Algorithm 4.2.4 for the input 5, 51, 2, 44, 96.  (See below to find Algorithm 4.2.4) 



According to the problem, the sequence  is this.






Step I) We first swap a[i] and a[j],

where i=1 and j=rand(1,5). If j=3,

after the swap we have






Step II) Next,                          i=2. If j=rand(2,5)=5,

after the swap we have






Step III)Next,                          i=3. If j= rand(3,5) =3,

 the sequence does not change.

Step IV)Finally,                        i =4. If j = rand(4,5)=5 ,

after the swap we have







Notice that the output depends on the random choices, so the result may vary all the time.



Comment: 이번 문제의 주제인 난수에 대해 이야기 하자면 사실 수업이나 교과과정이 코딩을 짠다거나 실제 컴퓨터의 'pseudo Random Number' 발생시키는 'Seed' 라던가 'XOR-shift'등의 발생 기법을 중점적으로 다루는 course 아니고 이러한 것이 있다 보여주는 수준이다. 난수는 실제 세상의 하고 많은 표본을 무작위적이고 고르게 뽑기 위한 학술, 통계적인 용도로 쓰일 수도 있고 요즘 이슈가 되고 있는 'Block chain' 기술 여러 암호 관련 기술/기법과 우리가 일상적으로 즐기는 비디오 게임에도 관여하는 중요한 요소이므로 앞으로 내가 흥미를 가지고 있는 soft 개발을 진지하게 기회가 있다면 다른 연관수업에 대해 찾아 나설 생각이다.

Comment: The key idea of a shuffle algorithm is to re arrange the given sequence by swapping a certain element with a random element generated by the function rand(n,m).






[Final OK by TA and SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 248, Problem № 1 (Computer Exercises), solved by 칭기즈, finalized by 유가이 올렉산드르,


Implement  Algorithm 1.2, finding the largest element in a sequence, as a program



Algorithm 1.2

  Finding the Maximum Value in a Finite Sequence

procedure max(  : integers)


 for   to 

       if   then 






A) Python code

sequence=[int (x) for x in input("enter a sequence of numbers:").split()]


for i in range(len(sequence)):

  if sequence[i]>largest:




Practical image



B) Sage Code

def _(s=input_box(default=[1,5,4,2,6,3], label='sequence')):

      n = len(s)              # list 길이
      maximum = s[

      for i in range(1,n):
  s[i] > maximum:
                  maximum = s[i]

      print "maximum number is  ", maximum

      print max(s)




Source: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Ch-4-Lab.html 



Comment: 알고리즘의 돌아가는 방식은 시퀀스의 길이를 던져주고 코드를 자신이 원하는 출력이 나오도록 조절을 하고 그것을 반복하게 하는 식이다. 여기서는 '가장 ' '0' , Default 값을 쥐어준 시퀀스 1항과 비교, 1항이 크면 '가장 ' 쪽으로 대체하고 2 과도 비교하고 비교대상 쪽으로 대체해 나가는 것을 Coder 설정해둔 길이 까지 수행하고 마지막까지 진행해 나간 '가장 ' 출력하는 방식이다. 지금이야 코딩이 간단하여 또한 조금만 공부하고 연습하면 바로 제작할 있을 정도로 간단하지만 앞으로 천줄 되는 프로그램을 짜게 된다면 여기서의 숫자 하나가 오타가 난다거나 변수 알파벳을 혼동한다던가 하면 몹시 곤란하게 것이다.

Comment: This problem is very easy but very useful since it helps to understand relatively effective algorithm of finding the largest number. The key idea is to assume any element to be the largest and then compare the remaining elements with it.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 248, Problem № 4 (Computer Exercises), solved by 유가이 올렉산드르, finalized by 칭기즈 and 김승연


Page 248, problem 4 (Computer Exercises)         

Implement Algorithm 2.4, shuffle, as a program.



Discussion shuffle

This algorithm shuffles the value in the sequence

a1, ... an


Input:  a, n

Ouptuta (shuffled)

shuffle(a, n){

for i = 1 to n - 1

                  swap(a[i],a[rand(i, n)])






A) Python code

import random



for i in range(len(sequence)):


  val= sequence[i]


  sequence[r]= val




Practical image:




B) Sage code



def _(s=input_box(default=[1,5,4,2,6,3], label='sequence')):

    n = len(s)  

    for i in range(1,n):


        val= s[i]


        s[r]= val  

    print s



Practical image:



Source: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Ch-4-Lab.html 



Due to this problem I learnt how to implement pseudocode of a shuffle algorithm as a program, using both Python and Sage coding, along with the concept of this algorithm. The idea of a shuffle algorithm is to order elements in a sequence depending on random indexes obtained by function rand(), hence the result may differ every time the code is executed.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 3 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 칭지즈, finalized by 전종문 and 김승연



 Implement Algorithm 2.3, insertion sort , as a program.







In an insertion sort, the first element in the array is considered as sorted, even if it is an unsorted array. In an insertion sort, each element in the array is checked with the previous elements, resulting in a growing sorted output list. With each iteration, the sorting algorithm removes one element at a time and finds the appropriate location within the sorted array and inserts it there. The iteration continues until the whole list is sorted.




Python code:

def insertionSort(alist):

   for i in range(1,len(alist)):

     val = alist[i]

     j = i

     while j>0 and alist[j-1]>val:


         j = j-1


alist = [int(x) for x in input("Enter:").split()]








Comment: Due to this problem I learnt how to implement the algorithm of insertion sort as a program. I realized that the time complexity is O(n2) and the worst case occurs when the sequence is sorted in reverse order. Insertion sort is used when number of elements is small. It can also be useful when input array is almost sorted, only few elements are misplaced in complete big array.






[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 15 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 조영은, finalized by 강병훈, re-finalized by 김영철



 Write a recursive algorithm to compute t[n] from the tribonacci sequence above, n ≥ 1.




Using the Python code we’ve already seen up there, by modifying it little bit, we can compute t[n] easily. But before we do that, let’s calculate by hand t[1] ~ t[10] below, to compare it with the output later to check if it gives the right results.


1.    t[1] = 1 (by definition)

2.    t[2] = 1 (by definition)

3.    t[3] = 1 (by definition)

4.    t[4] = t[1] + t[2] + t[3] = 3

5.    t[5] = t[2] + t[3] + t[4] = 5

6.    t[6] = t[3] + t[4] + t[5] = 9

7.    t[7] = t[4] + t[5] + t[6] = 17

8.    t[8] = t[5] + t[6] + t[7] = 31

9.    t[9] = t[6] + t[7] + t[8] = 57

10. t[10] = t[7] + t[8] + t[9] = 105


Python code:

def sequence(n):

    if (n==0 or n==1 or n==2 or n==3):

        return 1


        return (sequence(n-1)+sequence(n-2)+sequence(n-3))


def tribonacci(n):

    for i in range(1,n+1):








We can see the by-hand calculation and test result is identical.     


Comment: This problem is quite easy but very useful because it helps to get better understanding of the concept of recursive algorithms, where the key idea is to invoke a simpler version of itself, as well as Tribonacci sequence.






[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 12 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 강병훈, finalized by 모하메드, re-finalized by 김영철




Write an algorithm that tests whether two n × n matrices are equal and find a theta notation for its worst-case time.



Input – A, B (both n x n matrices), n 

Output – True (if A = B), False (if A  B)


Pseudo Code >

Note: We have to compare each element in A and B, and as soon as different match is found, we return False. The worst case is when the two are actually same matrices, so that we end up comparing all the elements of A and B.


So the code is like below:









Python code:


N = 4

def areSame(A,B):

    for i in range(N):

        for j in range(N):

            if (A[i][j] != B[i][j]):

                return False

    return True

A= [ [1, 1, 1, 1],

    [2, 2, 2, 2],

    [3, 3, 3, 3],

    [4, 4, 4, 4]]

B= [ [1, 1, 1, 1],

    [2, 2, 2, 2],

    [3, 3, 3, 3],

    [4, 4, 4, 4]]







<Worst case>


As I mentioned above, the worst-case time occurs when the two are actually

same matrices​​, so that we end up comparing all the elements of A and B.

To compare all the elements of the two, as each of them have n * n = (n^2) 

elements, it will take (n^2) times comparing them. So, the Theta notation

for the worst-case time here is Theta of (n^2)

Note: Theta /O / Omega notations are read as " O/theta/Omega of f(x)" -> where f(x) is a function that counts the number of operations executed and generally the most used notation is the O-notation since it gives the upper bound-worst case- for an algorithm. ■ 





[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 4 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 엄자균, finalized by 강병훈, re-finalized by 김은율


Which of the algorithm properties:

input, output, precision, determinism, finiteness, correctness, generality.

,if any, are lacking in the following? Explain.





Input:  S ( a set of intergers), m (an integer)

Output:  All finite subsets of S that sum to m


 1. List all finite subsets of S and their sums.

 2. Step through the subsets listed in 1 and output each whose sum is m.



1) If the set S is an infinite set, the algorithm will not terminate, so it lacks the finiteness and output properties. 


2) Line 1 is not precisely stated since how to list the subsets of S and their sums is not specified; thus the algorithm lacks the precision property.

3)The order of the subsets listed in line 1 depends on the method used to generate them, so the

algorithm lacks the determinism property

Since line 2 depends on the order of the subsets generated in line 1, the determinism property is lacking here as well. 


Comment: This is a very good example which helps to get the concept of chapter 4, especially what each property of an algorithm means. Due to this problem I am now able to distinguish each property an algorithm should have.



[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 2 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 강병훈, finalized by 엄자균, re-finalized by 김영철 


 Write an algorithm that receives as input the distinct numbers a, b, and c and assigns the values a, b, and c to the variables x, y, and z so that

x < y < z.




We have to assign, compare and then swap if necessary, as below.



How does the swap() actually work?

In programming it is wrong to write:



because when we assign x to y the original value stored in y is deleted, now it has the value of x. Therefore we need to store the original value of y in order to give it to x


Python code:




















Pactical image:

Now, it is sure that x < y < z.   

Comment: This problem is very useful to understand how the function swap() really works, hence it may help to develop your computational thinking which is very important. The key idea is to store the original value of the variable in the temporary space to assign it to another variable.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 4, Page 247, Problem № 8 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 강병훈, finalized by 김은율, re-finalized by 김영철




Write an algorithm that receives as input the sequence

s[1], . . . , s[n]

sorted in non-decreasing order and prints all values that appear more than once. Example: If the sequence is

1  1  1  5  8  8  9  12,

the output is

1  8.




We have to run while loop and check if there are same numbers, and print them if exist, and skip to non-identical part. It is shown below.




This way we can find repeated numbers and print them. 


Python code:


s=[1 , 1 , 1 , 5 , 8 , 8 , 9 , 12]



  if s[i]==s[i+1]:



  while(i<n and s[i]==s[j]):



Practical image:




Sage code:


s=[1 , 1 , 1 , 5 , 8 , 8 , 9 , 12]



  if s[i]==s[i+1]:



  while(i<n and s[i]==s[j]):



Practical image:


Notice: Sage code and Python code are the same because SageMath uses a syntax resembling Python's, supporting proceduralfunctional and object-oriented constructs.        ■​


Comment: This problem is very straightforward because if a sequence is in nondecreasing order, the repeating numbers always stay next to each other and that is the key point to solve this problem. However, it helps to understand the concept of the sequence of numbers in nondecreasing order.




Chapter 5


[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 2, solved by AYSU OZGUNEKIM, Revised by 김주형, Finalized by 유가이 올렉산드르, Re-Finalized by 모하메드



Find the prime factorization of 539.



 A) Key Terms

   I) prime number(N): natural number that is greater than 1 and that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers(x,y), where x,y are also greater than 1.


   II) prime factor: A factor that is a prime number (Prime Numbers that can be multiplied to form a composite number)


   III) prime factorization: the decomposition of a composite number into a product of prime numbers


 B) Algorithm/Pseudo Code for testing whether an integer(N) is prime 


Check_Prime(int N)        //N is the number to be checked


for d=2 to N1/2

  if (N mod d == 0)    //mod function returns the remainder

       return d

return 0





 Using the algorithm mentioned earlier, we can easily check whether an integer(N) is prime or not, so we combine the same algorithm with division to solve this problem as following.


Let's solve this task by using a factorial tree:


 *The yellow marked numbers are prime.
So we get :


Comment: From this problem, I realized that Factors are the numbers you multiply together to get another number.

ex5*3 = 15. And Prime Factorization is finding which prime numbers multiply together to make the original number. ■
Comment (Muhammad): when you try to find Factorial tree, start checking the factors from smallest to biggest (1,2,3,4,...)





[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 1 (Computer Exercise), solved by 칭기즈, Finalized by 유가이 올렉산드르



​​Implement Algorithm 1.8, testing whether a positive integer is prime, as a program.



Testing Whether an Integer Is Prime

This algorithm determines whether the integer   is prime.

If   is prime, the algorithm returns  .

If   is composite, the algorithm returns a divisor   satisfying  .

 To test whether   divides  , the algorithm checks whether the remainder when   is divided by     is zero.


      Output : 








Python code

import math

n=int(input("enter a number: "))

for i in range(2,math.floor(math.sqrt(n))+1)://check if it has a divisor in the range[2,floor(sqrt(n))]

  if(n % i==0): //if there is no remainder, it means it has a divisor in this range

    print(str(n)+" is not a prime number")


print(str(n)+" is a prime number") //if there is no divisor in the range, it is a prime


Practical image
Case A)


Case B)


Sage Code

# Testing Whether an Integer Is Prime

def _(n=input_box (default=43, label='Enter the number such that n>1 ')):
    for i in range(2,floor (sqrt (n))+1):
          if n % i == 0:
                print n, "is composite"
    print n, " is prime"


Practical image



Source: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Ch-5-Lab.html  


Comment: This problem is a good and very easy example to get the concept of chapter 5, especially the theory of identifying if the given number is prime or composite. The key idea is that a composite number has a divisor in the range 2 to √n.




[Final OK by SG Lee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 3 (Computer Exercise), solved by 칭기즈and 김승연


Write a program that adds binary numbers.

 Algorithm  2.12

Adding Binary Numbers

 This algorithm add the binary numbers   and   and stores the sum in  .





       for   to   























Python code

import math

b=[int(x) for x in input().split()]

b1=[int(x) for x in input().split()]



list1 = list(s)

for i in range(len(b)):

  b2 = b[len(b)-i-1]

  c1 = b1[len(b)-i-1]

  list1.append( str((b2+c1+carry)%2))



s = ''.join(list1)



Practical image




Sage Code

# Adding Binary Numbers

def _(b=input_box(default=1101, label='binary number'),
c=input_box(default=1001, label='binary number')):
    b = str(b)
    c = str(c)
    n = len(b)
    carry = 0
    s = ''
    for i in range(n):
        b1 = Integer(b[n-i-1])
        c1 = Integer(c[n-i-1])
        s = str((b1+c1+carry) % 2) + s
        carry = (b1+c1+carry) // 2
    s = str(carry) + s
    print s


 Practical image


Source: http://matrix.s`kku.ac.kr/2018-DM/DM-Ch-5-Lab.html 



Comment: 해당 코드는 binary numbers , 2진수의 덧셈을 논하고 있다.논리 회로 과목에서 배웠던  '4-bit Full adder' 구동방식의 공통점이 많아 언급 하지 않을 수가 없게 되었다.




Key Terms

I) LSB: Last Significant Bit, 가장 오른쪽자리의 Bit 뜻하며 여기선 20 자리이다.

II) MSB: Most Significant Bit, 전과 반대로 가장 왼쪽자리의 Bit 이고 여기선 23 자리다.


Similarity of operation

'4-bit Full adder' 그림 오른쪽의 '0' 알고리즘이 'carry' 라는 변수를 지정해 주고 값을 '0' 이라고 설정 해준 것과 대응 하며 A0 에서 A3 그리고 B0 에서 B3 각각의 변수 값이 뜻하는 바도 원래의 알고리즘이 표현하려던 목적과도 동일하다. 세부적으로는 알고리즘이 제시한 식은  이고 이는 i+1번째 자릿수의 결과 값은 3개의 변수의 연산으로부터 결정됨을 coding 것인데 logic gate 표현 식으로는Ai Bi C(i-1) 배타적 논리합 연산으로 표현하고 다음 자릿수로 넘어갈 Carry    이라고 알고리즘이 제시하였으며 logic gate 표현 식으로는Ci= (Ai ^Bi) v (Bi ^C(i-1)) v (Ai ^C(i-1))이고 이는 논리 곱과 논리 연산의 조합을 써서 3개의 parameter 2개가 1 이면 carry 1 되는 연산이다. 이러한 연산을 하는 블록을 늘리면 많은 자릿수의 2진수 연산이 가능하게 것이고, 문제에서 제시된 알고리즘은 n 값을 원하는 길이만큼 조절하면 것이다.

Comment: The problem may seem to be difficult but it is important to keep in mind that in binary addition we need to start adding from the last digit. Therefore, we read array starting from the end and we need to consider carry digit because in binary system we have only 1 and 0.


[Final OK by SG Lee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 6 (Computer Exercise), solved by 칭기즈, finalized by 유가이 올렉산드르and 김승영



Implement Algorithm 2.16, exponentiation by repeated squaring, as a program.


 Algorithm  2.16 

Exponentiation By Repeated Squaring

This algorithm computes   using repeated squaring.






       while ( )

          if(   )





     return result






Python code

import math

a=int(input("Enter the number: "))

n=int(input("Enter the exponent: "))









Practical image


Sage code:


def _(a=input_box(default=2, label='Enter the number:  '),n=input_box(default=2, label='Enter the exponent: ')):



        if(n % 2==1):




    print result   


Practical image


Comment: The number of times that the while loop executes is determined by n. The variable n is repeatedly halved

and when n becomes 0, the loop terminates. Recall that it takes time O(lg n) to reduce n to 0 by repeated halving. This is a good and easy example not only to show how to implement repeated squaring but also how effectiveness of algorithm is important, the key idea is to compute the remainder after each multiplication thereby keeping the numbers relatively small.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 9 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 신혜수, finalized by 전종문


 Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of the integers 396 and 480.



 Euclidean Algorithm is algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers.

  Ex) Let  , where   and   are integers. Then  .


The Euclidean algorithm gives  

480 = 396 * 1 + 84. 

b=396    r=84


 gcd(480, 396) = gcd(396, 84)​   (by the Euclidean algorithm, 480 = 396 * 1 + 84)

                    gcd(84, 60)    (by the Euclidean algorithm,  396 = 84*4 + 60)

                    = gcd(60, 24) = gcd(24, 12) = gcd(12,0) ​=12



      the greatest common divisor of the integers 396 and 480 = 12    ■


Comment: ​I think this Euclidean algorithm make me to find the greatest common divisor​ more easier in short time when integers are more bigger. Euclidean algorithm ​save more running time than prime factorization to find the greatest common divisor.  




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 5 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 정호진, finalized by 김희성



 Write the binary number 10010110 in decimal.






100101102=0*20+1*21+1*22+0*23+1*24+0*25+0*26+1*27 = 2+4+16+128




  The binary number 10010110(2) is  equal to 150(10) in decimal.  


Comment: This problem is good example which helps to get the algorithm used when converting any binary number into decimal and vice versa. The key idea is to multiply each binary digit by 2 two the power corresponding to the position of the digit.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 7 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 서명원, finalized by 전종문, re-finalized by 김희성


  Trace Algorithm 2.16 for the value n = 30.





The algorithm begins by setting result to 1 and x to a.

 Step 1) Since 

n = 30 > 0,

the body of the while loop executes.

 Step 2) Since 

n mod 2 is not equal to 1,

result is not modified.


 Step 3) x becomes a2, and n becomes 15.


n = 15 > 0

the body of the while loop executes 

 Step 4) Since 

n mod 2 is equal to 1,

result becomes 

result * x = 1 * a2 = a2.

 Step 5) x becomes a4, and n becomes 7.


n = 7 > 0,

the body of the while loop executes


 Step 6) Since 

n mod 2 is equal to 1,

result becomes 

result * x = a2​​ * a4 = a6.

 Step 7) x becomes a8, and n becomes 3.


n = 3 > 0,

the body of the while loop executes.

 Step 8) Since 

n mod 2 is equal to 1,

 result becomes 

result * x = a6 * a8 = a14.

 Step 9) x becomes a16, and n becomes 1.


n = 1 > 0,

the body of the while loop executes. 

 Step 10) Since 

n mod 2 is equal to 1,

result becomes 

result * x = a14 * a16 = a30.

x becomes a32, and n becomes 0.

 Step 11) Since n = 0, the while loop terminates.




Therefore, the algorithm returns the result which is equal to a​30   ■



 I used the c language to code it.

The argument of multiplication is difficult to express and is expressed as addition of argument.


Comment: We can see the Output is always a​k when we input x=a and n=k.

Because this algorithm divide k into 2 and only multiply when n mod 2=1.

 This is the same way of changing a decimal number to a binary number. 

(Ex. =30 =11110​(2) ​=22​​ * 2​4​ *​ 2​8​ * 2​16 return result = a​2​​ * a​4​ *​ a​8​ * a​16 = ​ a​30

So, we can see that 11110​(2) ​=22​​ * 2​4​ *​ 2​8​ * 2​16​ and result = a​2​​ * a​4​ *​ a​8​ * a​16 = ​ a​30​ are same frame.)​ 



[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 10 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 정호진, finalized by 엄자균, re-finalized by 서명원, 정호진 


Given that log 3/2 100=11.357747, provide an upper bound for the number of modulus operations required by the Euclidean algorithm for integers in the range 0 to 100,000,000. 






Solution (Refer Theorem 5.3.6)


Given that

log3/2 100=11.357747


             We have to provide an upper bound for the number of modulus operations required by the Euclidean algorithm for integers in the range 0 to 100,000,000.

If integers in the range of 0 to m, m  8, not both zero, are input to the  euclidean algorithm, then at most log3/2  (2m/3) modulus operations are required.

Since the given range 0 to 100,000,000, 

So, in this problem, is 100,000,000. And we use this formula.



 log3/2 ((2(100,000,000))/3)

= log 3/2 (2/3)+ log 3/2 (100,000,000)

= log 3/2 (2/3) + log 3/2(100)4

= -1 + 4 log 3/2(100)

= -1 + 4 (11.357747)    //Since  log 3/2(100) = 11.357747

= -1 + 45.430988

= 44.430988                                                 


Therefore, the upper bound we found is 44.  ■




Comment: Euclidean algorithm 대한 이해가 부족한 상태에서 문제에 접근하다보니 스스로 아쉬운 부분과 이해가 되지 않는 부분이 있었지만문제에 적용하고 수정하는 과정을 통해서 해당 알고리즘에 대해 완벽하진 않지만 어느 정도 보완할 있었다물론다른 문제에 적용해보면서 발전시켜 필요가 있다.(서명원) 


처음 이 문제를 풀때는 위의 식이 어떤것을 의미하는지 정확히 몰랐었다. 그래서 문제를 완벽하게 풀이하지 못했다. 학우들이 처음 푼 풀이를 수정해주고 다시 문제를 풀어보니 처음 문제를 접했을 보다는 깔끔한 풀이가 완성된 느낌이다. 앞으로 문제를 풀때도 단순히 정답 도출에 목적을 두는게 아니라 어떻게 풀어야 하는지에 초점을 두고 공부해야겠다고 느낄 수 있는 문제였다. (정호진)

Comment: This problem is very easy if you know the rules used for logarithms.




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 264, Problem № 6 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 정호진, finalized by 엄자균, re-finalized by 서명원, 정호진



Write the decimal number 430 in binary and hexadecimal.




 Binary Number System

In the Binary (base  ) number system,

Any integer form is


where each   and each   is one of the binary digits 


 Hexadecimal number system

Hexadecimal notation is based  .

Any integer form is


where   and each   is one of the

hexadecimal digits  , , 10= ,  11= , 15= . 




 I) 430 = 256+128+32+8+4+2 

            = 1×28 + 1×2+ 0×26 + 1×25 + 0×24 + 1×23 + 1×22 + 1×21 + 0×20​​ = 110101110(2)

 II) 430 = 1×162 + 10×161 + 14×160 = 1AE(16)



     110101110(2)​​ , 1AE(16)​​   



Comment: Binary is used at computer system because it is easy and fast to handle the data. In today's increasing use of computer, binary is very important and worth learning. Hexadecimal complemented the binary's weakness - too long - and it is well used at computer system, too. 




[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 13 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 강병훈, finalized by 김주형, re-finalized by 전종문 



In exercise 13-16, assume that we choose primes

=12          q =17      =19 .

Compute z and φ.    







φ =(-1)(-1) 





We need to find  z =p×q and φ =(-1)(-1)

 z =12×17 = 204

 φ =(12-1)(17-1)=11×16=176




z​​ =204, φ =176    



Comment: I know about that φ() used at RSA(Type of Public-key cryptography) .

 φ(n) is the number of coprime n and number which is less than n 



[Final OK by TA] Ch. 5, Page 299, Problem № 4 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by AYSU OZGUNEKIM, finalized by 김정주, re-finalized by 서명원



 Find  lcm(2*52*72*134, 74*132*17)​









Following the given theory about lcm(m,n), we gonna put the given data.

                                              lcm(2*52*72*134, 74*132*17)​

= 2​max(1,0)​ * 5​max(2,0)​ * 7​max(2,4) * 13​max(4,2) * 17​max(0,1)

                                              = 2 * 5​2​ * 7​4 * 13​4 * 17​   


                 lcm(2*52*72*134, 74*132*17)​​=     2 * 5​2​ * 7​4 * 13​4 * 17​   


Comment: This problem is very straightforward which helps to understand the logic used when we need to compute the least common multiple of two given numbers. The key idea is to take the maximum power for the common prime factors and multiply them.



[Final OK by TA] Ch. 5, Page 300, Problem № 11 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by 엄자균, finalized by 정호진


 Use the Euclidean algorithm to find integers s and t satisfying 

s·396+t·480= gcd(396,480)



 The Euclidean Algorithm:

Let  , where   and   are integers.

Then  .


If  and  , then there   such that





Refer to the Euclidian Algorithm:

480= 396 × 1 + 84

396= 84  × 4 + 60

84 = 60 ×1 + 24

60 = 24 ×12 +12            

24 = 12 × 2  


gcd(396,480) =gcd(396,84)=gcd(60,84)=gcd(60,24)=gcd(12,24)=12


Refer to Bezout’s theorem:

12 = 60 - 24 × 2  (inverse  )

12 = 60 - (84 - 60 × 1) × 2 (put in)

12 = 3 × 60 - 2× 84 ←⑥

12 =3 × (396-84×4)-2× 84 (putin)

12= 3 × 396 - 84× (12+2)

12=3× 396-14× 84   ←⑦

12=3× 396-14× (480-396×1) (putin)

12=17× 396-14× 480

396(17) + 480(-14)=12





s=17, t= -14  





Comment: This problem is a great example which helps to understand how to use the Euclidian Algorithm as well as Bezout’s theorem in a problem-solving. The key point is that the Euclidian algorithm makes it easier to use Bezout’s theorem, hence it is useful to keep in mind both of them in problem solving.





[Final OK by SGLee] Ch. 5, Page 299, Problem № 3 (Chapter Self-Test), solved by AYSU OZGUNEKIM, finalized by 전종문



gcd(52·72·134, 74·132·17).







gcd(m,n) where m=52·72·134  and n=74·132·17

Let’s rewrite them in the form:

52·72·134​ = (72​·​13​2​) × (​5​2·13​2​​)

74·132·17 = (72​·​13​2​​) × (7​2·​17​)

5​2·13​2​​ and​ 7​2​·​17are coprime.


Two numbers are called relatively prime, or coprime, if their greatest common divisor equals 1. For example, 9 and 28 are relatively prime.



    ​   gcd(52·72·​134, 74·​132·​17) = ​72·13​2​. 


Comment: This problem is very simple to understand. The key idea here is to find the greatest common divisor by rewriting two given prime factorizations so that it becomes the multiplication of the sequence of common prime multiples having the least power and the remaining part of the given prime factorization.



Copyright @ 2018 SKKU Matrix Lab. All rights reserved.
Made by Manager: Prof. 
Sang-Gu Lee and Dr. Jae Hwa Lee
*This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2017R1D1A1B03035865).