2019학년도 2학기

                   반도체 공학과 공학수학2

   주교재: Erwin Kreyszig, Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition

   부교재: 이상구 외 4인, 최신공학수학 Ⅱ,  1st Edition  

   실습실: http://www.hanbit.co.kr/EM/sage/



   강의시간:  공학수학2, (화16:30-17:45)   (목15:00-16:15)

   담당교수:  김응기 박사

Week 10


13.6: Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions. Euler’s Formula

  13.5 복소 삼각함수와 복소 쌍곡함수

13.7: Logarithm. General Power. Principal Value


13.6. Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions

Euler’s Formula

Euler formulas




     : .

Definitions for complex value :

(1)     ,          .

(2)     ,                 .

(3)     ,                 .

Formulas for the derivatives








Equation also shows that Euler’s formula is valid in complex:

(5)         for all .

Example 1  Real and Imaginary Parts. Absolute value. Periodicity

Show that




and give some applications of these formulas.


From ,

(8)     ,   









From and , , we obtain





Example 2  Solutions of Equations. Zeros of and

Solve .



     :   (by multiplication by )

This is a quadratic equation in ,

     and .


Thus or .



            where .

     or where .

(b)       , .




           by multiplication



(c)       , .





     by multiplication



Here the only zero of and are those the real cosine and sine function.

General formulas

Addition rules


and the formula

(10)    .








Hyperbolic Functions

The complex hyperbolic cosine and sine are defined by the formula

(11)     ,       .

(12)     ,           .

        ,           .

Formulas for the derivatives

(13)     ,          



Complex Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions Are Related.

If in , we replace by and then use , we obtain

(14)     ,   


Similarly, if in we replace by and then use , we obtain conversely

(15)     ,



13.7. Logarithm. General Power. Principal Value

(or ) is natural logarithm of .

 is the inverse of the complex exponential function; that is,

     ()       .


    inverse of the complex exponential function

If we set and , this becomes







   ,     .


where is the familiar real natural logarithm of the positive number .

Hence is given by

(1)         .


the complex natural logarithm is infinitely many-valued.







The value of corresponding to the principal value is denoted by .

 is the principal value of .

(2)       .

       is the principal value of

The uniqueness of for given implies that is single-valued. Since the other values of differ by integer multiples of , the other values of are given by



(3)       .

The same real part,

The imaginary parts differ by the integer multiples of .

 is positive real, then .


 is negative real, then and

     ( negative real).

From and for positive real we obtain


as expected, but since is multivalued, so is

(4b)    .

Example 1  Natural Logarithm. Principle Value











  Fig. 337  Some values of in Example 1

The familiar relations for the natural logarithm continue to hold for complex value, that is,

(5)     ,   

but these relations are to be understood in the sense that each value of one side is also contained among the values of the other side.

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Example 2  Illustration of the Functional Relation in Complex



If we take the principal values


then holds provided we write ; however, it is not true for the principal value, .







Theorem 1  Analyticity of the Logarithm

For every formula defines a function, which is analytic, except at and the negative real axis, and has the derivative

(6)        ( not or negative real)


We show that the Cauchy-Riemann equations are satisfied. From we have


where the constant is a multiple of . By differentiation,




 is analytic.

Hence the Cauchy-Riemann equations hold. Formula in Sec. 13.4 now gives ,



Each of the infinitely many functions in is called a branch of the logarithm. The negative real axis is known as a branch cut and is usually graphed as show in Fig. 338. The branch for is called the principal branch of .


     Fig.. Branch cut for

General Powers

General powers of a complex number are defined by the formula

(7)     ( complex, ).

Since is infinitely many-valued, will, in general, be multivalued. The particular value


is called the principal value of .

If , then is single-valued and identical with the usual power of . If , the situation is similar.

If , where , then


the exponent is determined up to multiples of and we obtained then distinct values of the root, in agreement with the result in Sec. 13.2.

If , the quotient of two positive integers, the situation is similar, and has only finitely many distinct values. However, if is real irrational or genuinely complex, then is infinitely many-valued. 

Example 3  General Power

    . ()

All these values are real, and the principal value is .

Similarly, by direct calculation and multiplying out in the exponent,









              ( is integer).

From we see that for any complex number ,

(8)     .


[한빛 아카데미] Engineering Mathematics with Sage:

[저자] 이상 구, 김영 록, 박준 현, 김응 기, 이재 화


 A. 공학수학 1 – 선형대수, 상미분방정식+ Lab

Chapter 01 벡터와 선형대수 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-1.html

Chapter 02 미분방정식의 이해 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-2.html

Chapter 03 1계 상미분방정식 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-3.html    

Chapter 04 2계 상미분방정식 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-4.html

Chapter 05 고계 상미분방정식 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-5.html

Chapter 06 연립미분방정식, 비선형미분방정식 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-6.html

Chapter 07 상미분방정식의 급수해법, 특수함수 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-7.html  

Chapter 08 라플라스 변환 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-8.html


B. 공학수학 2 - 벡터미적분, 복소해석 + Lab

Chapter 09 벡터미분, 기울기, 발산, 회전 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-9.html

Chapter 10 벡터적분, 적분정리 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-10.html

Chapter 11 푸리에 급수, 적분 및 변환 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-11.html

Chapter 12 편미분방정식 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-12.html

Chapter 13 복소수와 복소함수, 복소미분 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-13.html

Chapter 14 복소적분 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-14.html

Chapter 15 급수, 유수 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-15.html

Chapter 16 등각사상 http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/EM-Sage/E-Math-Chapter-16.html

Made by Prof. Sang-Gu LEE  sglee at skku.edu

http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/sglee/   with Dr. Jae Hwa LEE

Copyright @ 2019 SKKU Matrix Lab. All rights reserved.
Made by Manager: Prof. Sang-Gu Lee and Dr. Jae Hwa Lee
*This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2017R1D1A1B03035865).