

    11.3       The Scalar or Dot Product                  by SGLee - HSKim - JHLee



1. Determine the dot product of two vectors if their lengths are 8 and  and the angle between them is .


      Let the vectors be  and .

     Then,  by definition of the dot product.


2-6. Find the dot product.






    (You may do it with Sage in

     Open resources in )











6. , and the angle between  and  is .



7-9. Compute the angle between the vectors.





     and .

     From the definition of the dot product, we have .

     Hence the angle between  and  is .

     That is,  and  are orthogonal.

 8. (a) 










     , and


     From the definition of the dot product, we have  and


 10. Verify whether the given vectors are orthogonal, parallel, or neither.




     Since  and  are orthogonal.







 11. Determine  such that the vectors  and  are orthogonal.




12. Find a unit vector that is orthogonal to both  and .



13-14. Find the direction cosines and direction angles of the vector.

          (Give the direction angles correct to the nearest degree.)





      Since , the direction cosines of the vector are


      Hence, .



     direction cosine: ,

     direction angle: .

15.Prove that the vector  known as orthogonal projection of , is orthogonal to .




      This proves the result.


16-19. Find the scalar and vector projections of  onto  and orthogonal projection of , and .




      scalar projection: ,

      vector projection: ,

      orthogonal projection: .








      scalar projection: ,

      vector projection: ,

      orthogonal projection: .




     , so  and


      And .

20. Prove that the distance from a point  to the line  is .

     Hence, find the distance from the point  to the line .

21. Prove the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality: .


      Since ,


22. Prove the Triangle Inequality: .



        Note that it is enough to prove .

        Consider the  L · H · S ,


                                          by (21)


       Hence we have



23. Prove the Parallelogram Law: .




      Adding these two equations gives .

24. Show that vectors a and b are orthogonal if and only if .

25.  Show that  if and only if  is orthogonal to .

26. Give geometric interpretation of the above two exercises.


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