[2014. 11. 17] (ILAS News 2022) 2014 ILAS Election Voting Is Now Open
Each member of ILAS was e-mailed an individual username and password and instructions for electronic voting on or about November 17, and voting was opened. If you have not yet voted, you may vote any time until January 16, 2015. If you did not receive an e-mail and wish to vote, please verify that you are a 2014 member (remember, receiving ILAS-net messages does not imply you are an ILAS member). You can determine whether or not you are a 2014 member of ILAS (as of Nov. 15, 2014) by consulting the website:
We are pleased to announce the 6th de Brún Workshop: Linear Algebra andMatrix Theory: connections, applications and computations to be held at NUIGalway, 3-7 December, 2012.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together mathematicians with interestsin various aspects of linear algebra and matrix theory, and theirconnections with other areas of pure and applied research.
The workshop will include five short lecture courses given by
Richard Brualdi (Wisconsin)
Peter Brooksbank (Bucknell) Carlos Martins da Fonseca (Coimbra) Iain Duff (RAL and CERFACS) and Charles Johnson (William & Mary).
There will also be a programme of contributed 30 minute researchpresentations. Graduate students are particularly encouraged to attend andparticipate. This workshop will be hosted by the de Brún Centre at NUIGalway, and is supported by Science Foundation Ireland.
The deadline for registration is November 1. Registration is free. Travel,food and accommodation are at the expense of participants. The de BrúnCentre may be able to fund accommodation for some graduate students.
Graham Ellis Steve Kirkland Tom Laffey Niall Madden (local organiser) Rachel Quinlan (local organiser) Helena Smigoc
[2012. 8. 3] ILAS 1898 ILAS-Net Changes
In June, the software to manage the ILAS-Net mailing list was changed frommajordomo to mailman. There have been some bugs in subscribing to andunsubscribing from the email list. These have been worked out.
The webpage on ILAS-IC has been updated to reflect the changes.