[K-MOOC]  Introductory Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence

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                Translated by

  Sang-Gu LEE with Youngju NIELSEN, Yoonmee HAM

         from the original Korean text written by

      Sang-Gu LEE with Jae Hwa LEE, Yoonmee HAM, Kyung-Eun PARK

    Part Ⅱ. AI and Matrix

6.  Matrix decompositions (LU, QR, SVD)

We need to understand how our computer understands and computes data. Let's briefly introduce three matrix decompositions that

AI often uses to handle real-life data.

  6.1 LU decomposition

  6.2 QR decomposition

  6.3 SVD (Singular value decomposition)

We have discussed vector calculations, a system of linear equations, the least-squares problem. Computer programs use matrix decompositions

to solve these problems. We introduce the decomposition, the decomposition, and the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

6.1 LU decomposition

For a square matrix , -decomposition refers to the factorization of , with proper row and/or column orderings or permutations,

using a product of two factors. Two factors are a lower triangular matrix and an upper triangular matrix . In the mathematical expression, .

When the coefficient matrix can be expressed as a triangular matrix, the computation cost for solving a linear system of equations

can be reduced dramatically.



If is decomposed as , the linear equations can be written as (where  ). Then we can solve and then

solve the equation for finding of . All computation can be done easily because and are both triangular matrices.

< Finding of >

[Step 0] Find the -decomposition of     ()

[Step 1] Write as and find that satisfies .

[Step 2] Use obtained in [Step 1] to find that satisfies .

사각형입니다.  Let . Find the -decomposition of with a code for )

사각형입니다.  Use -decomposition to solve

Answer.  = (-1, 2, 1)                                                

6.2 QR decomposition

Let be a matrix with . The -decomposition is the factorization of a matrix into a product with an orthogonal matrix

and an upper triangular matrix . Any orthogonal matrix satisfy , which means that all columns are orthonormal.

Given , we can solve the least-squares problem, ,  as follows.

Because is the solution of the above least-squares problem, the following relationship holds.




 <John Von Neumann> pointed out. 'If the matrix can be decomposed by , the least-squares solution can be obtained immediately,

we know computers do -decomposition much better than us, and now we can solve most of the linear system of equations quickly with the computer.'

사각형입니다. Find a -decomposition of .

☞ Note  To find a -decomposition, we use the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process.

The followings are the Sage codes for the -decomposition.

사각형입니다. Find the least-squares solution using a decomposition.


◩ Open Problem 15

Find one system of linear equations problem from other textbooks. Then find that problem's least-squares solution

using the same method as in example 4.

(Hint: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-album/LS-QR-decom.html)

 [Reference] Problem solving https://youtu.be/BC9qeR0JWis  

6.3 SVD(Singular Value Decomposition)                         

The SVD(singular value decomposition) always exists for any sort of rectangular or square matrices. It is the key feature of SVD.

The singular value decomposition of matrix is the matrix factorization in the form of , where is an orthogonal matrix,

 is an orthogonal matrix, and is an rectangular (generalized) diagonal matrix with non-negative real numbers on the main diagonal.



Regardless of the size of the matrix, any matrix can be factorized into the product of an orthogonal matrix and a generalized diagonal matrix

and the transpose of an orthogonal matrix. is the SVD of a given matrix. Note that satisfies , and satisfies .

 is a invertible diagonal matrix whose main diagonal components are positive (singular values) ’s, and this (singular) values

are arranged in descending order(). The other entries are all zero . We say these are the singular values of .

Singular values are generalized concepts of eigenvalues. As mentioned earlier, diagonal components of are called the singular values of the matrix ,

and columns of are called the left singular vectors of , and columns of are called the right singular vectors of . Hence, satisfies

and satisfies . is a square diagonal matrix whose main diagonal entries are positive singular values of .

사각형입니다. Find the SVD of

☞ Note  We can have the SVD of using the code above. Additionally, we can check that is the same as the original matrix .

If we modify the code above a little bit, we can have SVDs for most given matrices. In the process of obtaining an SVD,

the components of a matrix may not be an integer or a natural number. Therefore, we will define a matrix with components in the Real Double Field, RDF,

to make all operations possible.

사각형입니다. Find an SVD of in RDF(Real Double Field) and check  .

◩ Open Problem 16 

Find the SVD of a matrix you found from other textbooks by using the codes above.

In the code for finding an SVD, RDF works for real matrices, and CDF works for complex matrices.

More details on matrix diagonalizations can be found in the following link: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/ ( particularly in http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/Ch-8/)

The derivation of matrix decomposition is beyond the high-school mathematics level. Refer to the below references for more details.

[Linear Algebra Textbook] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/

[Ejgenvalue] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/Ch-4/

[Matrix Diagonalization] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/Ch-8/   

[Math for AI Book] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/math4ai/Math4AI.pdf

[AI and Matrix] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/math4ai/part1/

[LU decom tool] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/LU-decom.html 

[QR decomposition tool] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/LS-QR-decom.html 

 [SVD Tool] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/LA-K/SVD.html

[SVD Theory] http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/knou-knowls/cla-week-12-sec-8-6.html

[SVD Lecture] http://youtu.be/7-qG-A8nXmo

◩ Open Problem 1 

Sketch the graph of three polynomial functions found in your other math books.

◩ Open Problem 2 

Make the sketch of the graph for the function .

[ Hint: plot(x*sin(1/x), (x, -2, 2), ymin = -1.5, ymax = 1.5) ]

Practice in http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/KOFAC/

◩ Open Problem 3 

Choose a composite function from the functions that you already learned and draw a graph of it.

[Hint: plot(sin(e^(1/3)^x),  (x, -1.2, 10))]

Practice in  http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/KOFAC/

◩ Open Problem 4 

Find (approximate) solutions to various equations from other textbooks that you have used.

Practice in https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/approximate-solutions.html

       http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/math4ai/PBL-Record/ http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2020-Math4AI-PBL/

◩ Open Problem 5 

Perform matrix operation by applying the operations on vectors and matrices you have learned in this book to matrices

you find in other textbooks. [http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/KOFAC/]

◩ Open Problem 6 

Find bigger than matrix from the internet or other textbooks and check whether transpose and inverse matrices exist.

If those exist, find out what those are.

◩ Open Problem 7 

 What kinds of data can you apply the similarity measures we just discussed?

 ◩ Open Problem 8 

What kind of data you cannot use this similarity measure using the distance? Any other measures that you can think of?

(Hint: Vectors/Data in the same directions)

◩ Open Problem 9 

Make (randomly generate) two 7-dimensional vectors and then calculate the distance between two vectors.

(Hint: Lab <Distance similarity>) http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/math4AI-tools/distance_similarity/

◩ Open Problem 10 

What kinds of data can you  apply the cosine similarity to?

◩ Open Problem 11 

 Make two 5-dimensional vectors and find the inner product and the angle of two vectors.

( Hint: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/math4AI-tools/cosine_similarity)

◩ Open Problem 12 

Find a system of linear equations from other textbooks. Find a solution to that by using the code that you learned.

 ( Hint: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-album/LA-Sec-3-5-lab.html )

◩ Open Problem 13 

Explain how and what we can determine for a given linear system of equations with a unique solution

or infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Use RREF of to do this. Explain to others what you understand.

◩ Open Problem 14 

Discuss the conditions for the existence of the inverse matrix of and find a least-squares solution

for the given 6-points in to make the curve of .

◩ Open Problem 15

Find a system of linear equations problem from other textbooks. Then find that problem's least-squares solution

using the same method as in example 4.

( Hint: http://matrix.skku.ac.kr/2018-album/LS-QR-decom.html )

◩ Open Problem 16 

Find the SVD for a matrix from the other textbook by using the codes above.

Copyright @ 2021 SKKU Matrix Lab. All rights reserved.
Made by Manager: Prof. Sang-Gu Lee and Dr. Jae Hwa Lee