July 4-6(Thr-Sat), 2002 POSTECH, Pohang, Korea

dia_green_1.gif Conference registration

    All participant will be required to register for the conference. The form can be obtained from the conference homepage http://com2mac.postech.ac.kr

dia_olive.gif Registration form -- 2002 Korea-Hungary Joint Workshop on Combinatorics : July 5 - 7, 2002

    Please fill up the blanks below and fax it to +82-54-279-5511 or bring it to Com2MaC at POSTECH.

    First Name : _______________________________

    Family Name:_______________________________

    Affiliation : _____________________________________________

    Address : _______________________________________________

    City        State/Province          Zip/Postal Code          Country

    Telephone : ________________________________

    FAX : ________________________________

    E-mail : ________________________________

    Duration of your stay at Postech:

       I will attend the conference from July   ___  to  July __.

dia_pink_1.gif Registration Due: May, 31, 2002

dia_pink_1.gif Registration fee (Foreign participats)

    US$ 50 ($ 25 for student) :

dia_purple_1.gif Registration fee (Korean participants)

    65,000won (30,000won for student) :

Conference Registration Form

 Please send the above form <with your info.> through e-mail to sglee@math.skku.ac.kr  or airmail your form to Co-Organizer Sang-Gu Lee Department of Mathematics, College of Science, SungKyunKwan University Suwon  440-746,   KOREA. and Please pay the your fee at the registration desk.

   In providing your addresses, please include your department in your institutional address.
